Independent Funeral Directors

Phone Number: 01695 424 888

Burscough: 01704 891555

Registering A Death

The majority of deaths are registered by a relative of the deceased. All deaths need to be registered with the registrar for births, deaths and marriages.  In England, this must be done within five days. 

Who needs to Register A Death

Following the passing away of a loved one, it is the legal responsibility of one of the following persons to register the death:

  • Someone present at the death
  • A relative
  • The person arranging the funeral (not the funeral director)
  • An occupier of the premises where the person has deceased who had knowledge that the death was occurring

What Information is Required to Register A Death

The following information will be required when you attend to an appointment to register a death:

A medical certificate from the doctor who treated the person who deceased at the time of death. A coroner will advise you on what to do if they have been involved. This is an essential document for registering a death. The passport or birth certificate of the person who died. This is not essential but helpful to provide. The medical card of the deceased person. This is not essential but helpful to provide.

What happens when you Register A Death

The registrar at the births and deaths office will discuss the following details with you:

  • The full name and surname of the person who has deceased (and the maiden surname if the person was a married woman).
  • The place and date of death.
  • The place and date of birth.
  • Whether the deceased person was receiving a publicly funded pension.
  • The occupation of the person who died ( If the deceased person was a married woman, the occupation and full name and of her husband.)
  • If the deceased person was married, the date of birth of the surviving wife or husband.

What will you receive when you Register A Death

  • A certified copy of the entry in the Register / the death certificate. (this will cost £4 if required)
  • A Registrar's Certificate for Burial and Cremation' which allows you to arrange the funeral.
  • A Social Security form.
  • Call us today on 01695 424 888 or you can use our contact form to forward your details for more information.

If you live in Ormskirk, Aughton, Burscough or the surrounding areas of Lancashire we can help you with your funeral arrangements. Call today on 01695 424 888 to discuss our funeral services.